What are Nurses blogging about?

I’ve been searching a lot on the Internet lately for Nursing and Nurse-written blogs. One of the topics I’m really interested in is how and why Nurses are using social media. As someone who has used apps like Twitter and Facebook for many years in a personal capacity, I have been hesitant to delve into Social Media as a professional. I’m most comfortable on Social Media just as I am in my real life, as an observer. I can spend hours reading Twitter posts and articles from others, yet only comment occasionally. I rarely post on polarizing issues, and I’m also not one to post a lot of personal details. (Starting a blog has been a big step outside my box, to say the least.)

My hubby, Mom and sister are all Nurses, and they use social media as well but more in a personal capacity like me. And as the mother of two pre-teen boys, I can tell you they live and die by their Instagram feeds, text messages from their friends and YouTube videos of the latest Xbox game. I’ve spent many a late night perusing their phones while they are fast asleep. 

So when I found this list of Nursing blogs on the AJN blog, I felt like I had hit the jackpot. It’s going to take me time to go through the list and digest all these blogs. One of my current projects is to read all the Nursing blogs I can get my hands on, and see what is out there. The ANA has guidelines for social media use, but I’m curious to know if and how these translate into real life. Do most Nurses heed the ANA recommendation, and have separate social media accounts for their personal and professional lives?

Author: Regina Wysocki

I'm Clinical Data Specialist in the Texas Medical Center. An avid Social Media consumer, I'm interested in the latest and greatest technology innovations and how they interact with healthcare.

2 thoughts on “What are Nurses blogging about?”

  1. Thanks for calling attention to the nursing blogs list on AJN’s blog, Off the Charts. I update it from time to time, but I think it’s probably due for another updating in terms of which blogs are still really active (and which are not), and also in terms of other good new blogs we might add. Cheers, Jacob M.


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